Corbin is proactive in its efforts to sensibly incorporate sustainable business practices into our organization. We seek continuous improvement at the organization and investment levels.
At the Firm |
Trusted PartnerOur overriding mission is to be a trusted partner that delivers superior results and brings effective, insightful solutions to clients
SustainabilityWe are continually identifying internal areas for progress and are committed to initiatives designed to address them including solutions to reduce and measure our environmental footprint
Commitment to Diversity and InclusionA firm-wide priority; we have developed and instituted plans to continue improving our firm’s diversity profile and partnered with organizations to build pathways into our industry for traditionally overlooked talent
Investment Process |
Holistic AnalysisWe believe integration of sustainability-related factors can contribute to a more holistic analysis of risk and opportunity in the service of long-term investment returns. |
MaterialityThe materiality of sustainability-related factors may vary on the basis of asset type, strategy focus, geography, industry, etc. |
EngagementWe leverage our robust network to understand best practices and resources and share them with our partners. |
MomentumWe are committed to continuous improvement and collaboration while in pursuit of the best outcomes for our clients.
Corbin’s sustainability policy is available upon request. The policy outlines the values and guiding principles underpinning the way the firm evaluates sustainability across the managers it works with, and the approach to integration and engagement for sustainability-focused portfolios. Corbin’s approach to sustainability is evolving and there is no guarantee that Corbin will be able to successfully achieve all the objectives outlined in its sustainability policy or guarantee that managers it engages will successfully integrate sustainability factors and risks into their firm and investment decision making process. A part of Corbin's sustainability approach involves an attempt to engage, influence and monitor the practices of managers we work with. Corbin’s engagement approach may vary based on the specific engagement plan for each manager and may include in person meetings with management and investment personnel, conference calls and questionnaires. It is difficult to quantify the exact financial benefits or impact of sustainability integration, sustainability focused investing and the extent to which a manager integrates sustainability into its investment process will vary and be subject to interpretation. Approaches to sustainability analysis are not standardized and are inherently qualitative and subjective. As such, there is no guarantee that the criteria utilized by a manager, or any judgment exercised by a certain manager, will reflect the beliefs or values of any particular investor. There are also significant differences in interpretations of what positive sustainability characteristics mean by region, industry, and sector. Corbin’s interpretations and decisions are expected to differ from others’ views of sustainability and impact and could also evolve over time. As such, the policy is subject to change as Corbin’s sustainability and engagement process evolves and guidance and regulation around sustainability investing matures. In addition, in evaluating a manager or investment, Corbin expects to depend heavily upon information and data provided by a variety of sources, including the manager being evaluated and/or various third-party providers which could be incomplete, inaccurate, or unavailable, and which could cause Corbin to incorrectly assess a manager’s sustainability practices, impact and/or related risks and opportunities. Corbin does not intend to independently verify all information reported by managers or third parties. Lastly, Corbin makes no guarantee that it will be successful in achieving its objectives related to sustainability and impact, if applicable, as success relies heavily on the steps taken by managers over which Corbin may have limited influence, if any.
Sustainability-oriented investments are those with environmental and/or social thematic impact potential alongside and complementary to attractive risk/return profile.
Signatories to the United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI) pay an annual fee They are required to report annually on their responsible investment activities, and they receive ratings based on their reported data. Corbin signed on as a signatory in April 2021 and has not yet received ratings. Full details of PRI reporting and assessment methodology are available at Principles for Responsible Investment is a leading advocate for responsible investment practices. The PRI encourages adopting environmental, social and governance factors into investment and ownership decisions, and creating a sustainable financial system. The PRI is an independent organization funded and managed by its signatories and backed by the United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative and United Nations Global Compact. For further information please visit
Established in 2009, The Global Impact Investing Network ("GIIN") is a nonprofit membership organization with 330 members across almost 50 countries that builds industry infrastructure and supports activities, education, and research to help accelerate the development of the impact investing industry. All applications for membership are subject to review. The GIIN reserves the right to decline membership applications in order to best serve its mission and/or maintain a strong peer learning community. Being a GIIN member is not an endorsement and does not represent a level of expertise or success in impact investing. Corbin’s participation in GIIN is purely for educational purposes and to further support its impact-oriented initiatives.